Life with pimd+



Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities & More

We are proud to present the translation of our book "Life with PIMD+" 

A glimpse into the future for parents and carers of children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and more (pimd+)

As soon as you hear that your child will have severe intellectual and multiple disabilities, your life is turned upside down. All of a sudden, everything is different. You may have only just come out of hospital. What to do? Future dreams and plans make way for uncertainty, loneliness and many, many questions. You now know that your child’s development will not be as you had hoped. What will your child be able to do and what not? What medical care will it need? What will your daily life look like?

With this guiding map*, we want to help you on your way, so that you do not have to figure everything out yourself. At 2CU, we are happy to share our knowledge and experiences with you because we were once where you are now. Above all, we want you to know that there is not one ‘right’ way. Every child, every family walks their own path. Hopefully we can remove a few obstacles for you along the way.

Do you still have questions after reading this book? Please feel free to contact us at any time and send us an email.


* 2cu will continue to adapt and expand this book in the future. Have you come across something along the way that you think really belongs in the book? Please let us know! Send an email to and for our convenience add ‘2cu roadmap’ as the subject.

2CU & Handicap NL

Together we make participating possible!

2CU is one of the charities supported by Handicap NL. They enable us to support families with ZEVMB children and help them tostay part of society.

2CU & Handicap NL

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Stichting Complex Care United 2CU